Posts with category: Code
Python Async Database Migrations With Alembic
This post is about how I currently handle database migrations with Python. My go-to tech stack setup is FastAPI, SQLAlchemy 2.0, and alembic. I also make scripts so that I don’t need to remember the commands, as they are kind of hard to remember sometimes. Those scripts will also be included in this post.
}Effective Neovim Setup Tutorial Guide
This is a blog on setting up neovim to be able to be at minimum, effective at coding something. I won’t go through each plugin in detail, but there is a plugin list with links to each plugin if you want to go in-depth.
}Navarch Hugo Theme Roadmap
The custom theme for this site is not complete after release, there are still a lot of things in the pipeline to be made before being able to release the theme publicly.